We decided to do a little more for Mia's 3rd birthday than what we've done in past years. We celebrated in the park with her friends and as previously mentioned, searched for colored butterflies with giant butterfly catchers (thanks to Trish who helped set up 50 butterflies in the trees!). I think the kids enjoyed it, but then again, they're 3 and what do they care?! We had candy from a pinata, bubbles and a place to run so I think everyone was happy. Thanks to Mia's friends and grandparents, Mia was spoiled with some of her favorite gifts. We even got to see family in Boise so I think Mia really enjoyed turning 3 and celebrating her birthday. She talked about it for weeks leading up to the big day and although she tried and tried, she just couldn't quite get the hang of holding up 3 fingers. That pinky finger just kept popping up when the ring finger would go up so she figured out a plan by holding the pinky down every time. It's cute and of all birthdays, I'm glad we talked this one up because she certainly loved it and it was fun to watch her get into it.
Happy Birthday, Sweet Pea!
PS Forgot to mention that "someone" got really embarrassed when we started singing to her! It was kind of interesting to see Mia curl up in a ball when most of the time she's quite personable. I guess we all have our moments. ;)