Sunday, November 28, 2010

"If you..."

So, we've heard a few "threats" coming from the 3 year old this past week that I need to blog about.  I am keeping record of said "threats" so we may continue to laugh at them at a later date.

Threat #1: "If you be mean to me, my Dad will throw you in your room." (Favorite threat for Mom)
Threat #2: "If you don't give me some, you can't go to Seattle!" (Favorite threat for Dad - wonder why?)
Threat #3: "If you don't give me that, then I'm not going to play with you." (I'm sure this one is used with friends, right?)

I've asked her if she's "threatening me" and she doesn't quite get that yet, but she is certainly trying to swing a big stick at such a young age.  It's funny to watch although I know it will be a painful tactic she will use when she gets older, it sure is fun to watch her use it now.

Anyone worried like I am that Thanksgiving has come and gone?  So, I knew it would be like this.  I would go back to work, Thanksgiving would fly by and then I will wake up one day and it's 2011 and who knows where Christmas went.  Ugh, gives me a headache just thinking about it.  I'm just sayin'...only 3 1/2 weeks to Christmas!

Here's Mia enjoying her first deviled was a winner!

What is a Thanksgiving feast without olives for the fingers?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Happy 41ish!

Growing old is a hard job, but someone's got to do it!  Mia actually asked her dad over a piece of cake, "Dad, are you still old?" and my personal favorite, "Are you really old now?"  All of which Travis responded to quite well without taking it personally.  Yes, Mia, we are all "still old" and we wish we could be young like you again!

Happy Birthday, Travis!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sisters are great!  We were able to snap these shots of the girls over the weekend before the snowfall on Monday.  We knew it would be one of our last outdoor photo options for the Fall.  Now, it's 40 degrees as a high and we're moving into winter.  Got your Christmas lights up yet?  ;)

Mia loves her school and focuses on a new letter of the alphabet each week.  Her teacher has commented on how much she loves show and tell.  Each week she picks out a toy or something that starts with the letter they are studying and she gets to share it with her class.  She's taken a mini fake iron for "I" and of course, Hello Kitty for "H".  Not sure what to take for "J" this week.  She asked for a jellyfish, but I don't think I have one of those!

Zoe is smiling like crazy these days!  She has definitely found her voice and yells and squawks quite often.  Travis only needed one week to get the routine down.  Wish I could say the same for myself.  :(  Zoe's last trip to the doctor showed that she weighs 13 lbs!  She's already wearing her 6 month clothes and really is a good baby.  There are many days when Dad says that both the girls were good for him.  Thank heavens!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Halloween 2010!

Could these two be any cuter?!!  Is this a dance picture...should I be nervous about dating already?  Good thing MJ is a good boy. :)

Halloween this year started on Thursday for Mia with a school party and I was beginning to wonder if it would ever end?!  I guess that's what you get by living in a state that NEVER celebrates the holiday on the actual holiday date.  ;)  In the meantime, Mia sure loved dressing up this year as Dorothy.  She talked about it for days, slept with Toto and clicked her ruby slipper heels in preparation for the parties.  Admittedly, when the big night came to actually hit the streets, Mia was cold and not so interested.  Ah, maybe next year!  It might be easier for us next year anyway when Travis isn't out of town (the poor boy was in San Francisco for the weekend :(...right!).  It was my first time alone with the 2 kids and let's just say I get an "F" for parenting!  Geesh, I really needed my right hand man and it showed (forgot the stroller, coats, just couldn't quite pull it all together).

Little Pumpkins party with friends from work.

[Thanks, Kristi, for taking all the fun photos and an awesome party!!]

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Painted fingers & toes, a clean house and homemade lasagna...

What do they all have in common?  I came home yesterday to all three!  Mia was showing off her red fingernails and toes when I walked in the door and the house was warm with the yummy smell of dinner in the oven.  Let's just say that he is definitely fairing much better than I am with our new schedule.  This is a special call out for my husband who still impresses me after 12 years of marriage.  Thanks for being such a great support to your family and going the extra mile the past couple weeks!  We love you!!