Sunday, May 25, 2008

April Showers Bring May Showers

This May has been one of the coldest ever (and to think that last May when I was pregnant, it was one of the hottest ever)! We still have snow capped mountains and experienced a rough last two weeks while trying to replace our roof. Four out of the seven days last week were filled with thunderstorms. We faired okay, but have some fixin' to do where water leaked through our kitchen ceiling. :( Picture us on the roof at 4am during a monsoon trying to keep down the tarps and figure out where the water was coming in...yup, it happened more than once.
In the meantime, we've been putting Mia to work beginning with all the laundry she creates! And Miss Mia is showing signs of crawling this weekend. She had her 9 month appointment on Friday and showed the doc how she loves to to point, clap and wave like crazy. Check out the big girl drinking from a cup!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Play Date!

Mia has at least 5 good friends that are all about her same age. It will be fun to see them all grow up together!