Saturday, April 25, 2009

Howling at the moon!

Although it was time for night night, Mia chose to raise a ruckus by howling withe the beagles. She learned at a very young age that if you throw your head back and howl, you will have friends that join you! It was all caught on tape...or flash memory. :)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Hoppy Easter!

Okay, we were a little out of order with the past couple of posts since I forgot to upload our recent vacation photos from Spring Training. But today is really Easter, so Happy Easter everyone! Mia successfully participated in 4 Easter Egg Hunts this year - enough for all of us (and then some). At least she got to wear all of her dresses including the ladybugs from Grandma Nina. Thanks, Grandma!

Over the past week, she's learned how to count to 10 with Dad! I look at these photos, hear her talk and already worry that she's growing up so fast. She's such a little person these days - independent and all. As I type this, she's humming a little song while scribbling notes on a piece of paper. Yikes - where'd the baby go? Another small reminder is when SHE points at babies and says, "Baby!" I don't know how to tell her that she's still a baby, but I think she's already moved on.

Mia and Daddy seem to be enjoying their time together. It's been nice to have the encouragement from others since not every daddy gets to be home with their kids! Travis has quickly figured out the art of "kid swaps" which has allowed for a golf game here or there. I even caught him making lunch plans at the park with some of our neighbors. Although fun, he said the sack lunches he prepared didn't get the time of day from Miss Mia. ;) Two words: ROLE REVERSAL.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

It's that time of year again...

Spring Training this year was super fun and it was a special experience for Mia since it was her first flight! There's nothing better than leaving the snow and ice and showing up in Arizona where it's 80 degrees and sunny. We met up with our neighbors and ended up enjoying a much needed vacation (minus the part when I got the flu). I'm beginning to get a complex about traveling since I usually end up getting sick one way or another! Come on - what could be worse than throwing up on a vacation? I tell you...NOTHING.

Check out Manny, Griffey, Soriano and all the other boys we saw in Phoenix (Cubs, Mariners, Dodgers, Rangers, White Sox and Brewers). We were in heaven! I think one of my most memorable moments was meeting the Racing Sausages. If you've never seen them before, it's hilarious and a tradition. The highlight for me was getting their autographs and a "thumbs up" from the Chorizo. Arriba!
Here's some other snapshots of Mia's first pool experience - yes, we know, we need to take her more often! Since then, we've taken her a couple more times and she loves it.