Saturday, March 29, 2008

My Favorite Things

This past month, Mia has loved tubby time and going on walks! We can't wait for the weather to be better, but if you see a dad with two beagles on leashes and a child swaddled in a Bjorn, that's my husband. The most distinct characteristic of them all is that there's still snow on the ground and my husband is in a t-shirt and shorts - go figure.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Hippity Hop!

Bunnies everywhere! Everyone in our family loves bunnies, especially the beagles. Although I must say that bunnies do NOT like beagles. Our neighbors invited Mia over for their annual Easter Egg Hunt and it was wild to think that Mia will be actively participating in next years hunt. She had to find 18 light green eggs filled with goodies. I don't remember Easter Egg Hunts being so fun!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Is it Summer yet?

We had 7" of snowfall just yesterday...we can barely stand it anymore. So, in preparation for days to come, we got out the sunglasses just to see what little missy looks like. K - that's hilarious!! Where's the beach?!
Happy St. Patty's Day, everyone!!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

My First Big Toy!

Mia opened up her first big toy last week and I couldn't believe the look on her face - she was ecstatic! She started pounding the box and was squealing up a storm. Can't wait for Christmas this year...should be quite the spectacle. :)

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I'm still needy!

Oh believe me, we haven't forgotten the beagles since Mia arrived (although this photo may "beg" to differ). Piper is still as needy as ever! That's nothing new, but I just had to share her photo which depicts our every waking moment at home. The good thing is that she finally trots off to bed at 9pm (similar to Mia's schedule) so at least we get a couple hours of free time before we go to bed!

Nighty night!