Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Hush, Little Baby

Love the little feet! One even popped out of the blanket in the side profile photo below. :)

Travis made the comment yesterday that he can tell Zoe is getting bigger. I think we are more coherent the second time around and are actually noticing the little the day to day changes. She's started gazing back at us, almost examining our faces so I can tell that she's starting to see better.  I even got a couple smiles and grins this past's amazing.

During Zoe's first doctor appointment at the end of July, she weighed in at almost 8 lbs (she's gained 1/2 a pound which is great news).  On the other hand, Mia had her 3 year appointment today and got her shots which was NOT great news.  Oh my wonder why Travis sent me off with her and offered to take care of the baby!  He had to do the 2 year old appointment all by himself and I think he was going to avoid this one at all costs!  It's horrible and of course, Mom didn't hold her hands down tight enough (I NEVER can do the straight jacket hold...I'm the worst at it!!) and so Mia got scratched by the needle as the nurse was pulling it out and as Mia went to grab it.  *Sigh*  Bad, bad mommy.  :(  I realize there's a place for doctor's appointments and check ups, but with modern medicine, there's got to be a better way!!