We met each other in Mexico in 1996 when we were both studying abroad with our universities. We've been dear friends over the years and have stayed in touch - so I'm glad I could take a few days off of work (even at 7 1/2 months pregnant) and fly out to meet her. Travis and I considered taking Mia, but it worked out for the best since it was a quick trip and Travis was able to drive up to Boise to visit with his Dad while he's out West.
Here are some photos of Hilde's family (with her sweet Cuban husband). Let's just say, I got to practice up on my Spanish and thank goodness Hilde speaks English because the kids and other family who were staying with us ONLY spoke Norwegian. ;)
This is the pool at the house we stayed in...do you see the exotic bird that came walking through our yard? I think he was looking for a cool dip in the agua, if you know what I mean. Now I understand why all their outdoor pools are covered.