Sunday, January 24, 2010

St. George in January

We're beginning to get used to the common practice of heading South for the winter (just like the ducks). :) Thanks to some good friends who have invited us before, we were able to spend the long MLK weekend in St. George. Boy, we really needed it and it was refreshing to be in the sunlight away from smog! Mia even got to participate in some foot zoning with Chelle and Shana!
Lastly, I wanted to show you a picture of my Mary. Around Christmas time, Mia started draping blankets, towels, whatever she could find and then say, "Look, I'm Mary!" I think she got the idea from one of her board books, but in the end, I really think this girl is going to love dressing up for the Nativity in future years...I just hope she gets picked to be Mary!