Sunday, August 26, 2007

Survival Mode

Yes, we are truly in survival mode.

Another week has flashed before our eyes and we're still losing sleep by the hours. The good thing is that she's given us 3 hour increments of sleep for the past 4 nights so we're hopefully on our way to a schedule. :) We've also experienced the joy of projectile spitups and Travis got tinkled on right after a bath yesterday! Both of which provided a chuckle since we've never quite experienced something so bizarre in our lives. I'm personally starting to feel better, but still need a few days for the incision to heal. Not sure if I mentioned it in previous posts, but I ended up having a c-section. After two days of trying to induce and being a week over due, we decided it was the best option for us. Mia was a trooper and just waited for her parents to figure out what we were going to do. We've had a nice weekend at home and are sad that dad has to go back to work - wish he could just stay home with us and play. Here are some more snapshots of the little one. I just love the photo with her laughing out loud!