Sunday, July 1, 2007

WHAT!?! Only 5 Saturdays left?

Oh dear, we've now officially hit pre-baby crisis mode. "There's so much to be done!" exclaims mama and papa. This is the time where you start dropping things to the bottom of the list because you no longer have time to get them accomplished along with everything else that needs to be done in 5 Saturdays. Oh well!

Since my last post, I've been able to spend more time with friends and family at baby showers. I've seen some people that I haven't seen in years and it's been really great to get caught up. I'm lucky to have so many friends that already have babies so there's many people I can ask for assurance and advice.

We're almost ready with the nursery and nope, we still haven't decided on a name (although I feel like that is the least of our worries). Hopefully by the next time we check-in there will be some major progress to report!