Thursday, August 11, 2011


Miss Mia is turning 4 years old and she can barely wait for her princess party to celebrate!

She's been waiting all year for "Buttercup", the unicorn on Toy Story 3.  Thanks to eBay, mom was able to find several Buttercup's.  I've fallen victim to being the parent who searches high and low for the one, unique gift that a child requests.  I'm thankful that her requests have been practical so far...not sure how I will manage the requests one day for a new car!

It's been a great summer so far and sadly, it's coming to a quick close.  We have enjoyed swim lessons, 2 summer camps and a trip to Seattle and St. George.  Zoe has been growing like a weed and basically tells us, "No" to lots of things and then smiles and tilts her head and makes everything all better!  We went to the ABBA concert as one of our few date nights out and it was awesome!  It was a Swedish band that rocked the house and had all the blue-hairs dancing (sorry if I've offended anyone, but I know you can picture it).

Mia has one more year of Montessori and then we'll have to decide on where to send her for Kindergarten.  For now, I'm really enjoying this growing family!  Zoe is at such a fun age and her attitude is really starting to shine.  She's not walking just yet, but Mia is a wonderful big sister and for now...they love each other dearly.

Happy Birthday, Mia!