Saturday, March 20, 2010

Mia's first dance class was quite the hit!  She ran to the floor and never looked back.  I think she forgot that we were even there, but the photos show her in action.  I have to admit, I never went to dance class, it was a little foreign to me (especially the high pitched baby voice that the instructor used), but beyond that, I can't complain because I know she loved it.  Come to find out, a couple neighbors are in the class along with the friend who invited us, so it's quite the party!  And to think I was worried that she wouldn't know what was going on?  It's another reminder that she's smarter than we think. 

Check out the moves! 
Sounds like she's had some practice at home with her dad. She's been asking to dance at the beginning of every movie (especially the Lion King) and she learned quite a few jigs during the
Winter Olympics watching the ice skaters. :)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

March Madness!

From 60 degrees and golfing on Friday to 5 inches of snow on Saturday! It literally snowed all day and so by the time evening rolled around, Mia finally asked if she could, "make an angel." We got her all bundled up and yup, she knew just what to do. She plopped right down and started waving her arms up and down. Making angels became our Sunday activity, too.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

"I need to go to school tomorrow..."

Starting this past week, we've been hearing the statement, "I need to go to school tomorrow..." Inevitably, it ends with a conversation between Mia and her parents about going potty in the big potty so she CAN go to school tomorrow. We've scoped out the school, we're ready to take the plunge, but there's one minor detail holding us all back....POTTY TRAINING. Heaven help us.

I've also captured some funny photos of Mia's bed hair. I'm sure she will appreciate me posting these snapshots, but I couldn't help it. As for me, I'm still feeling great (minus the bout with the flu last week), but I've been feeling the baby move a ton. She's been active and it's a nice reminder I get while at work or when getting ready to doze off for the night. We've continued with our Gratitude Journal that we started this year and one entry we can't ignore is that we have our health and no major hardship. We hope you are thankful for the same. Have a great week!