Sunday, January 11, 2009

Right, left, right...

We are walking! Of course, I'm talking about Mia and although I think she would still prefer to crawl, we've had several steps this weekend going back and forth between mommy and daddy who were sitting on the floor with open arms. If you're a parent, I know you've all done it, but it was such an amazing thing to see. Funny thing is that she was also just as amazed...staring at her feet as she would take each step. It's miraculous to see the brain make the connection, to watch learning in action and all the while, to see her smile. Phew! What a sense of accomplishment!!

Speaking of accomplishments, I survived week 1 back at work. Ick. It was kinda tough, I will be the first to admit it. But I found lots of empathy from others who had been on their sabbatical and many who mentioned that I will need weeks to truly recover and get back into the swing of things. Okay, the reality is that I do love my job and I'm very lucky to have it, so I'll be good and get back to work. :)

Travis should also be proud since he survived the whole week - I never had any doubts! I think the worst part is that Mia now favors daddy since he's home with her more, but could you complain? I love it that Travis is home with Mia and that we're at least trying a new thing for a while. We'll see how long it lasts...

PS If you've got your speakers turned on, this song is one of Mia's favorites so I had to put it on the blog. She first heard it on the iPod commercial and if the truth be known, she especially likes it when her dad tries to sing it to her. ;)