Friday, September 26, 2008

Mia Does Lagoon

I never thought we would take Mia to Lagoon so soon...been there, done that! It was for a company party and I didn't think we would have as much fun as we did. I mean, come on, the last time I was at Lagoon it was 118 degrees in the shade and we were surrounded by what seemed like millions of random people. I know YOU know what I'm talking about.

Come to find out, Mia loved the train and the carousel and Travis & I would trade off so we could get a couple rides in ourselves. It is a little odd standing in the Colossus rollercoaster line as a "single" rider with a slew of teenagers, but it was still fun. In reference to the train photo above, every time Mia sees an animal (camel or bunny), she points and yells, "Doggie!"