Friday, September 28, 2012

The Fam!

Wow - taking photos with a 2 year old is complicated and STRESSFUL!  Zoe *may* know how to make a difficult situation even more difficult. ;)  But here are some of the initial snapshots while we're touching up our favorites.  I love the sunflowers and the great weather we're experiencing right now.  Low 80's with changing leaves...once again, I must repeat how much I love the Fall.  I've taught my girls that this is the best time of the year and so we're trying to enjoy every second of it before it slips away. :)


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Five years ago today, Travis and I checked into the hospital so we could begin the journey for Mia to arrive.  We drove by that very same hospital today and told Mia the story that she just didn't want to come out!  She sat in silence, I think contemplating what that probably means.  It's a great story and one that we will be sure to tell her later in life.

I do remember that five years ago we were sitting in record-breaking heat.  Day after day, it was at least 100 degrees and it was sweltering.  The news was covered with the Crandall Canyon mine disaster in Central Utah and our hospital stay turned out to be much longer than we anticipated.  Travis was working on a project next to my bed and somehow figured out a way to go back to work the following week...I remember thinking he was crazy!

Five years later, Mia is packing her backpack and getting ready to ride the big bus and Travis & I are wondering how it went by so fast?  Day by day, we are reminded of the funny things that kids do and how special we are to have a healthy child.  I tell Mia that I am so lucky to have her as my daughter.  She smiles and loves to be cuddled.  We really are lucky that she is our daughter and hope we can hang on to her younger years for as long as possible!

Saturday, August 4, 2012


Summertime at our house begins with homemade strawberry jam and playing in the water out back, but sometimes ends with sister rivalries over who gets to hold the hose!

Not sure if she could look any more sad.  This moment was devastating for Zoe.  Rough life!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Getting Old...

Travis and I have had several conversations about the beagles getting old.  It's starting to worry us and when the day finally comes, I think it's going to be really difficult to say goodbye.  Piper & Lucy were our first babies, the ones we have cuddled with for years and now with our girls running around, I feel like they are starting to slow down and most of the time just want to sleep.  Their faces are gray and often we refer to them as "Grandma" because they are!  Piper is 12 years (or 61 in dog years) and Lucy is 9 years (or 49 in dog years).

I really love these dogs and afterall, it's not me that's going to need counseling after they're gone!

Friday, July 20, 2012

The Girls Take On Seattle!

Well, we've got one individual out of the bunch that is turning 40 (who shall remain nameless, but the corresponding photos may give it away), so we decided to take a trip to celebrate! ;)  These are my college roomies and I'm so glad we still take the time to get together - I love these girls.

We started with Pike's Place and ended with a Mariners game, and had fun everywhere in between.  It was really great to spend time with the girls and to get out of the 100 degree weather!  I did feel some guilt for leaving Travis behind, but got him set up with his own boys trip 3 weeks later so that should be a free pass, right?

Check out some of our photos and just think...we are starting to celebrate the 40's.  Is this for real?

On our way via ferry to Bainbridge Island.  Megan may have taken the photo shoot to a different level, but hey, we were on vacation!  Check out the boat taking in a wake from the ferry.  :)

Eating ice cream at Mora's is a tiny slice of heaven.

Scary!  Here's the famous Troll Under the Bridge with the silver eye.  If you look closely, there's a real Volkswagon Bug in the cement under his hand.  There's a cool story behind this guy if you dare Google it.  ;)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July!

The girls are all ready to celebrate.  It's going to be a scorcher today and the worst part is that there are several fires that are burning in the foothills and desert areas.  So, in the spirit of being safe, we won't be lighting our own fireworks this year.  We may venture out to see the city fireworks from the hill at the library, but plan to spend time with friends at a BBQ.

I'm so happy that I have the day off to spend with my family and am grateful to be reminded of the freedoms we have living in the United States of America.  I hope you have a great holiday and get to spend some time doing what you enjoy most. ;)


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Almost 2!!

Oh, Zoeeeee.  You're turning 2 in a week!  We wanted to get some snapshots of you this weekend because you looked really cute with your pig tails and rosey skirt.  You're such a happy girl and it's so great to have conversations with you while you babble back.  You love to read books while pointing and saying, "Fun-neee!" (funny) and just like you're sister, you're having a hard time giving up the "ba-ba".  You're a bit of a dare devil which gives your mom a heart attack when you just start walking down the pool ramp and don't stop when the water is up to your chin.  And even though you are known to throw a fit every now and then, it sure is great that when we lay you down to bed you say, "Nigh, Nigh."

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Sites of Seattle

We took all these photos in one day of gallivanting in Seattle. Here are some of our favorite locations to play...

We love this picture of the truck and the words "I Love Seattle" making it's way to the West Seattle Bridge.  We just happened to be following it and snapped these shots.  I love that the Seattle skyline is in the background...what luck!