Threat #1: "If you be mean to me, my Dad will throw you in your room." (Favorite threat for Mom)
Threat #2: "If you don't give me some, you can't go to Seattle!" (Favorite threat for Dad - wonder why?)
Threat #3: "If you don't give me that, then I'm not going to play with you." (I'm sure this one is used with friends, right?)
I've asked her if she's "threatening me" and she doesn't quite get that yet, but she is certainly trying to swing a big stick at such a young age. It's funny to watch although I know it will be a painful tactic she will use when she gets older, it sure is fun to watch her use it now.
Anyone worried like I am that Thanksgiving has come and gone? So, I knew it would be like this. I would go back to work, Thanksgiving would fly by and then I will wake up one day and it's 2011 and who knows where Christmas went. Ugh, gives me a headache just thinking about it. I'm just sayin'...only 3 1/2 weeks to Christmas!
Here's Mia enjoying her first deviled was a winner!
What is a Thanksgiving feast without olives for the fingers?