I had to take my first business trip this past week since she's been born. I think both Travis & I were a little nervous since he had to do everything from feedings, getting her dressed and out the door in the morning, bedtime...the whole nine yards. I got the best report when I got home and it was something like, "You know, I don't remember her crying while you were gone." *sigh* The best part about my trip were the photos that were sent to my cell phone of Mia hanging out on the couch with Dad. What did our parents do without cell phones, texting, digital cameras??! Polaroids just don't do it for me!
Well, if you're familiar with the date, yesterday was my dad's 9 year anniversary for his accident [1/19/99]. I miss him terribly and wish he could be here to see and play with his baby girl. One thing is for sure, she smiles a lot like my dad. That's a special gift that he gave to both of us.