Wednesday, July 29, 2009

As Travis would say..."A Weekend In Paradise."

Have we mentioned how much we love Seattle? We started off the weekend in Kerry Park overlooking the city. It was actually a little chilly there (in the 70's) and we had to grab our jackets. Such a welcomed change after hot temps in Salt Lake. Although, I'm afraid we may have cursed the city because by Monday, they were experiencing record breaking heat! 100 is Seattle is almost unheard of...especially when no one has air conditioning. Ugh!

We also did a couple things this past trip that we haven't done before. We visited The Locks which is quite fascinating. This is a place with boats & ships cross to get from the Puget Sound to Lake Washington. Boats wait in a holding area while water is pumped in or released to allow the vessels to rise or be lowered to match the water level of the sound or the lake. Pretty cool - plus, it was a win-win since Mia love, love, loved seeing all the boats!

And of course, a trip to Seatlle wouldn't be complete without a visit to Safeco Field to watch the Mariners. Ichi, Ichi, Ichiro rocked the house, but we lost big time (what's new)!?! A special treat was that we were able to go with Travis' uncles. Uncle Don made her a special popcorn bowl out of his ticket to get in (very creative) and she loved all the attention. :)