Monday, July 21, 2008

The Gulfstream 550

So, there are perks while working at eBay, but now that I'm a mom, is it weird to say that I would have rather been home? :) The Gulfstream 550 is the eBay Corporate Jet and I got to feel like a true executive on my last trip to San Jose. There were many of us that flew, so somewhere along the budgeting lines, it made more sense to take the jet. The fresh kiwi, papaya and warm chocolate chip cookies from the oven were a nice touch. I'm nearly 100% sure I will never experience such a lifestyle ever again - it was
my once in a lifetime!

Back at home, my mom is still recovering. She's getting a lot of help and isn't feeling so well just yet. I imagine we're about 2 weeks out before she's able to get around on her own again. It is kind of a slow I know what Travis went through with me! This week is a big week for us since we're celebrating Scott's 32nd birthday tomorrow. Also, Mia has her 1 year pictures on Wednesday. We're just trying to protect her from a bruise or scratch on the face before we get the photos done. And last, but not least, Jeanette gets married in 10 days!! I can barely wait. Don't let me worry you, but in my mind, summer is winding down. Before you know it, we'll be in September and getting ready for Fall. It's my favorite time of the year.